
Corner Store

Wow, for being a concrete jungle, Beirut sure looks green in this picture.

Some things, like say, a deadbolt for our apartment, can be hard to find in this city. Not so with fresh produce. There are plenty of produce shops on every street (or so it seems to me). Their stuff is local, fresh, inexpensive, delicious, everything it should be. In addition to permanent shops with walls and everything, there are the guys in the picture, selling the same farm-fresh goods out of a truck or van.


  1. i love that about california too! good local stuff everywhere you turn. and it's so inexpensive too. i bought tomatoes once for 29 cents a pound.

  2. That is wonderful! I'm beginning to feel jealous.

  3. Pesticides . . . either that or something funky in the soil. I'm not totally sure what it is that has to be cleaned of, but clean we do. For all of our fresh produce, we disolve a tablet (which smells an awful lot like chlorine) in water and let the produce soak in there for ~ 10 minutes. Then out it goes, dries, and gets eaten. With enthusiasm.

  4. Studies show that you're more likely to get Ecoli from produce than from meat. They think it is due to people not washing their produce properly or at all.
