
Blue Spool

A few days ago I posted a picture of a giant wooden spool at a construction site. Here's a smaller one, re-purposed to restrict parking.

Personally, I think bright blue is a perfect color for such a thing.


  1. This is a lovely shot. The cheerful blue spool and the warn paintwork.

  2. Mary Ann, I have recently stumbled upon your blog and think it ingenius! I am a very proud Lebanese who finds it incredibly sad that most people who are not Lebanese do not realize it is such a pearl, especially living in sunny Western Southern California. I think "Beirut Pursuit" is magnificent and your pictures capture the world I grew up in. Thank you.

  3. Thanks, Maya. That's exactly how I feel about Beirut, and exactly why I blog about it the way I do.

  4. The colour of the spool and the flaking are just perfect for the location. I love how your eye sees this sort of thing.
