
St. George and the Dragon

North of Beirut there is a little public garden set into a rocky hillside.  The park is filled with little shrines that feature a variety of renderings of St. George. There's a Christian story about St. George slaying a dragon, and thus in every depiction he is shown triumphant over a defeated monster.

It was quite a remarkable place with a pond and fountain, bridge, better than the usual landscaping, where many artists' interpretations of the saint with the dragon underfoot seemed to wait around each corner.


  1. I never pass a St. George + dragon without taking their picture. But you have a whole park full! Nice!

  2. great photo. And...I noticed your profile photo with a new haircut-it's so beautiful!!!! I love it!

  3. I think St George is the patron saint of a few countries, including England - we have St George's Day here

  4. It feels like a very old devotional site.
