
Watching the Lion Roar

At school, my daughter has learned that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. It has this year, that's for sure. There was so much wind and rain yesterday that my umbrella simply gave up. Then later while the rain temporarily abated, the winds were so high that I had to stop for a picture of the waves crashing a little off the Corniche.

And tonight it's cold, cold. Can't wait for warmer weather.


  1. I love your photos! They are great! I love the Corniche too, and I am currently plotting how to go back and live there permanently. I lived there for 5 months in 2003, and I went back this past summer for a week. I went to the Corniche every day and often fed the two stray cats under the multi-colored bench (near the end where McDonalds is). I also saw the sea turtle that you mentioned! That is how I found your blog. I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the turtle.

  2. I like the color effect.
