
Flowers by the Way

I walked past these flowers in St. Nicholas--a neighborhood near Achrafieh. They were out of the way in a little nook where no one was likely to notice them.


  1. Very nice photo. It's a lovely arrangement.

  2. Ahhh the Lebanese do the fake flowers in a pot thing too, huh? I thought it was only us tacky American's.

  3. This reminds me of some of the nooks that Jilly in Menton discovers. Is there some religious or memorial purpose to them?

    There are few things more sad and forlorn than fading fake flowers.

    Now say THAT quickly ...

  4. Fake flowers are actually easy to find here--odd given what is hard to find.

    These were for sale--just beyond the right edge of the frame there were lots of other plants--not fake, I think, all for sale.
