

Sunset, the road home. Just a few of my favorite things.


  1. Indeed, the way home at the end of a day's work.

    Looking at that road scene made me wonder what sort of cars predominate in Beirut. Here in Sydney we have V6 American cars (Holden, Falcon by GM and Ford respectively) or the 4 cy Japanese Toyota, Nissans with a few South Korean and a few European cars thrown in for good measure. The colours are dominated by black, white and grey.

  2. There are cars from all over here--tons of decades-old mercedes sedans function as cabs (usually), there are contemporary peugeot, citroen, opel. American cars (usually SUVs, but not always), asian cars honda, hyundai, toyota, etc.

    There are also a shocking number of fararris, bentleys, etc. too. Honestly.

  3. Ah, this is the road to my home too :)
